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n 主要教育经历(从大学开始):



n 主要工作经历


n 主要研究方向


n 主讲课程


n 主要科研项目:

[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,42201327,基于全球隐含钨价值流动的中国钨产业链产品出口贸易结构优化调控策略研究,2023.01-2025.12,在研,主持。

n 主要学术论文(*通讯作者):

[1] Li, M., Jia, N., Lenzen, M., Malik, A. *, Wei, L., Jin, Y., Raubenheimer, D.. “Global food-miles account for nearly 20% of total food-systems emissions”. Nature Food, 2022, 1-9.

[2] Jia, N., Gao, X. *, Liu, D., Shi, J., Jiang, M.. “Identification and evolution of critical betweenness sectors and transactions from the view of CO2 reduction in supply chain network”. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 232: 163-173.

[3] Jia, N., Gao, X. *, Liu, D., Si, J., Jiang, M.. “Indicators for assessing the impact of sectoral CO2 reduction in the industrial chain: Evidence from China”. Ecological Indicators, 2021, 127, 107738.

[4] Jia, N., Gao, X. *, An, H., Sun, X., Jiang, M., Liu, X., Liu, D.. “Identifying key sectors based on cascading effect along paths in the embodied CO2 emission flow network in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China”. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27: 17138-17151.

[5] Liu, D., Gao, X. *, An, H., Qi, Y., Sun, X., Wang, Z., Chen, Z., An, F. & Jia, N.. “Supply and demand response trends of lithium resources driven by the demand of emerging renewable energy technologies in China”. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2019.

[6] Jiang, M., An, H. *, Gao, X. *, Liu, D., Jia, N., & Xi, X.. “Consumption-based multi-objective optimization model for minimizing energy consumption: A case study of China”. Energy, 2020.

[7] Liu, D., Gao, X. *, An, H., Qi, Y., Wang, Z., Jia, N., & Chen, Z.. “Exploring behavior changes of the lithium market in China: Toward technology-oriented future scenarios”. Resources Policy, 2020.

[8] An, S., Gao, X. *, An, H., Liu, S., Sun, Q., & Jia, N.. “Dynamic volatility spillovers among bulk mineral commodities: A network method”. Resources Policy, 2020.

[9] 潘彬彬,陈祉好,贾楠菲,李寅赫,袁浩. 关于光伏发电成本核算问题的研究——基于LCOE方法的分析[J]. 价格理论与实践, 2019(05): 138-140+144.

n 社会兼职
